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Renovate can help keep your project up-to-date automatically. It's a tool that scans your repository for dependencies, identifies which ones are out of date and then sends you PRs to update them.

Renovate has built-in support for Batect, and in its default configuration will automatically send you PRs to update Batect itself and any images or bundles you project uses. In addition to this, it also has support for updating base image references in Dockerfiles.

By default, Renovate will update image or bundle references in files named batect.yml or batect-bundle.yml, and any files included in those files with file includes. If you use a different name for your main configuration file, you'll need to configure regular expressions to define which files to search with fileMatch in your renovate.json:

"batect": {
"fileMatch": [

fileMatch should be an array of regular expressions that will be matched against the path to the file, relative to the root of the repository.

For more information, consult Renovate's Batect manager documentation.

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