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This privacy policy details the data that is collected when you interact with Batect and its related services.

General principles

As an open source project, the Batect project does not have the resources to run detailed user studies to understand best how to design features or prioritise work, and instead relies on community feedback and data. We collect data only for the purpose of:

  • understanding how the Batect application and its related services ("Batect") are used
  • maintaining and improving Batect
  • monitoring the security, availability and performance of Batect

Data is not:

  • used for advertising purposes
  • sold
  • shared with others, except in aggregate, anonymous form (eg. the total number of users that used Batect over a 7 day period)

Documentation site statistical information

This documentation site ( collects anonymous statistical information using Google Analytics.

What data is collected

Google Analytics collects information such as the following:

  • the number of unique users that visit the site
  • how often a user returns to the site
  • the referrer (eg. if you clicked on a link on a Google search result page, the search term, or if you clicked on a link on a blog post, the URL of the blog post)
  • the amount of time spent on each page
  • the flow of pages a user visits in a single session (eg. 50% of users that view the home page go to the CLI reference page next)
  • the general geographic location (country or city) of the user based on IP address
  • the browser-reported language preference
  • the type of device being used (eg. phone or computer)
  • technical information such as the browser version and operating system version
  • performance information such as page load times

Google Analytics expressly forbids collecting personally identifiable information. Data is always collected over HTTPS.

The following Google Analytics features are not enabled:

How and why the data is used

This data is used to understand how users use the documentation, identify areas for improvement, identify technical issues and measure the impact of changes to the documentation.

Data collected from Google Analytics is not combined with data from other sources to attempt to identify users.

Only the primary maintainer of Batect, Charles Korn has access to the Google Analytics console for this site.

How to opt-out

Google provides a browser add-on that blocks Google Analytics on all sites.

There are also a number of third-party add-ons that can block Google Analytics on a per-site basis.

How to request for your data to be deleted

Send a request to [email protected]. Your data will be deleted using the Google Analytics User Deletion API within 14 days.

Documentation site error reporting

This documentation site ( collects anonymous error information using Report URI.

What data is collected

Report URI is used to collect information about Content Security Policy (CSP), Certificate Transparency (CT) and Network Error Logging (NEL) related errors, as well as warnings captured through the Reporting API.

Depending on the nature of the issue, all or some of the following data is collected:

  • the page you were viewing when the issue was detected
  • the nature of the issue (eg. CSP violation)
  • additional diagnostic information related to the problem (eg. what kind of CSP violation occurred and where in the page it occurred)
  • the date and time the issue was encountered
  • technical information such as the browser version and operating system version

Personally identifiable information is not collected. Information such as IP addresses may be captured by Report URI for their diagnostic purposes, but it is not linked to the error reports produced by Report URI.

How and why the data is used

The data is used to identify issues with the site, including configuration errors or other issues that may prevent users from accessing the site or using its functionality.

Only the primary maintainer of Batect, Charles Korn has access to the Report URI console for this site.

How to opt-out

This data collection is managed by your browser, and can be disabled in your browser's settings.

How to request for your data to be deleted

As your data is not linked to users in any way, it is not possible to delete data for a single user.

Documentation site hosting

This documentation site ( is hosted using Netlify and Cloudflare. Both of these services collect data to enable them to operate and improve their services, and their respective privacy policies apply to this data.

This documentation site ( uses Algolia DocSearch to provide search functionality. Algolia collects data to enable them to operate and improve their services, and their privacy policy applies to this data.

In-app update notifications

Batect checks for updated versions and displays a reminder to the user if a newer version is available. It automatically checks for updates at most once every 36 hours.

It uses a public, encrypted API hosted by the Batect project on GCP and Cloudflare to check for new versions. A secure, private GCP project dedicated to the purpose of hosting update information hosts the API.

The source code and configuration for this API is available in the GitHub repository.

Running ./batect --upgrade uses the same API in the same way to deliver new versions of Batect.

What data is collected and how it is used

No personally identifiable information or telemetry information is sent to the API as part of this process.

Basic diagnostic information such as IP addresses may be collected in the API's logs. This information is used solely to administer, maintain and monitor the updates API, and is not combined with telemetry information or any other information source.

Statistical information (date, time, user agent and performance data) is collected and used to monitor the security, stability, performance and availability of the service and help understand usage patterns.

The API requires encrypted HTTPS connections.

How to opt-out

Run Batect with --no-update-notification to disable checking for new versions.

Note that running ./batect --upgrade ignores --no-update-notification if it is set, and will always use the updates API to check for a new version.

File downloads

Batect's wrapper script (batect / batect.cmd) automatically downloads the appropriate version of Batect when it has not already been downloaded.

It uses a public, encrypted API hosted by the Batect project on GCP and Cloudflare to check for new versions. A secure, private GCP project dedicated to the purpose of hosting update information hosts the API.

The source code and configuration for this API is available in the GitHub repository.

What data is collected and how it is used

No personally identifiable information or telemetry information is sent to the API as part of this process.

Basic diagnostic information such as IP addresses may be collected in the API's logs. This information is used solely to administer, maintain and monitor the updates API, and is not combined with telemetry information or any other information source.

Statistical information (date, time, user agent and performance data) is collected and used to monitor the security, stability, performance and availability of the service and help understand usage patterns.

The API requires encrypted HTTPS connections.

How to opt-out

To opt-out, you must modify the wrapper script to use an alternative download server.

In-app telemetry


As of version 0.85.0, Batect no longer collects in-app telemetry.

Batect can collect anonymous environment, usage and performance information as it runs.

This information does not include personal or sensitive information such as the names of projects or tasks.

What data is collected and why

NameExampleRationale for collection
Environmental information
Batect version0.51.0Helps correlate and compare results for different versions of Batect
Batect shell tab completion script version0.2.0Helps correlate and compare results for different versions of the shell tab completion script
OS and versionMac OS X 10.15.4 (x86_64) or Ubuntu Linux 20.04 (x86_64)Helps correlate and compare results for different operating systems and OS versions and helps plan compatibility changes for different operating systems (eg. dropping support for an older version of an operating system no longer commonly used)
Docker version19.03.8Helps correlate and compare results for different versions of Docker and helps plan compatibility changes for different versions of Docker (eg. dropping support for an older version of Docker no longer commonly used)
Docker daemon experimental modeHelps correlate and compare results for different versions of Docker and understand potential issues introduced by experimental Docker features
JVM versionOracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_162Helps correlate and compare results for different JVMs and helps plan compatibility changes for different JVMs (eg. dropping support for an older version of Java no longer commonly used)
Git version2.27.0Helps correlate and compare results for different versions of Git and helps plan compatibility changes for different versions of Git (eg. dropping support for an older version of Git no longer commonly used)
Shell (value of the SHELL environment variable)bash or fishHelps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. shell tab completion)
Terminal type (value of the TERM environment variable)xterm-256colorHelps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. CLI output options)
Whether stdin and stdout are connected to a TTYHelps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. CLI output options)
Whether Batect believes interactivity (eg. updating text) is supported by the consoleHelps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. CLI output options)
Whether Batect believes it is running on a CI tool, and the name of the CI toolGitHub Actions, CircleCI or JenkinsHelps correlate and compare results for different CI tools, helps plan documentation improvements (eg. adding documentation for commonly used CI tools not yet covered in the documentation), helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. closer integration with CI tools)
Whether the wrapper script downloaded the current version of Batect for this invocationHelps compare telemetry data with download statistics to determine roughly what proportion of users enable telemetry
A unique, autogenerated user ID used to correlate information across invocations (a version 4 randomly-generated UUID)00001111-2222-3333-4444-555566667777Helps correlate results across invocations (eg. how often users use Batect, how quickly users upgrade from one version to another) and helps calculate usage statistics (eg. weekly active users)
A unique, autogenerated session ID (a version 4 randomly-generated UUID)00001111-2222-3333-4444-555566667777Allows easy identification and deduplication of uploaded data
Time taken to upload telemetry information in the background0.2 secondsHelps understand the impact of telemetry collection
Usage information
Commandrunning a task, upgrading Batect, displaying helpHelps segment data (eg. determining average command duration for --upgrade) and understand usage behaviour (eg. how often --help is used)
Exit code0Helps understand whether the invocation succeeded or not
Time the command started in UTC2020-08-10T16:54:00.123ZProvides an ordering of invocations, helps determine average time between invocations, and together with other timing values, helps understand the performance of Batect
Time the JVM started in UTC2020-08-10T16:54:00.102ZProvides an ordering of invocations, helps determine average time between invocations, and together with other timing values, helps understand the performance of Batect
Time the command finished in UTC2020-08-10T16:54:03.423ZProvides an ordering of invocations, helps determine average time between invocations, and together with other timing values, helps understand the performance of Batect
Output mode usedsimple, fancy, quiet or allHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether --no-color is enabledHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Docker connection typeUnix socket, Windows named pipe or TCPHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether --docker-tls or --docker-tls-verify is setHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether a custom configuration file name (ie. not batect.yml) is being usedfalseHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether a config variables file is being usedtrueHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether the following features have been disabled: update notifications, wrapper cache cleanup, cleanup after success, cleanup after failure, proxy environment variable propagation, maximum level of parallelismHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether a 'new Batect version available' notification is shownHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. tools to help upgrade Batect automatically)
Task run information
Type of container being runWindows or LinuxHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Docker daemon's preferred image builderLegacy or BuildKitHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Image builder in useLegacy or BuildKitHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Type of cache being usedvolume or directoryHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Total number of tasks in the project10Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for very large projects)
Total number of containers in the project4Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for very large projects)
Total number of configuration variables in the project6Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for very large projects)
Total number of prerequisite tasks required to execute before executing the main task2Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for very large projects)
Number of config variable overrides specified on the command line0Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Number of image overrides specified on the command line1Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether an existing Docker network was specified on the command linefalseHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Whether prerequisites were skipped on the command linefalseHelps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Number of additional arguments passed on the command line to the task2Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features
Number of containers started for each task3Helps understand usage behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for very large projects)
Time taken to load the configuration for the project0.05 secondsHelps understand usage and application behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for very large projects)
Time taken to execute each task3.3 secondsHelps understand usage and application behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for very large projects)
Time taken to execute each step in each task (eg. pulling or building an image, creating a container, stopping a container, removing a container)0.4 secondsHelps understand usage and application behaviour and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. performance improvements for certain steps)
Exception information
Type of exceptionIOException or ContainerCreationFailedExceptionHelps understand possible bugs, helps understand the frequency with which users see certain classes of errors and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. recovering from errors automatically or suggesting recovery actions to the user)
Stack traceHelps understand possible bugs, helps understand the frequency with which users see certain classes of errors and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. recovering from errors automatically or suggesting recovery actions to the user)
Whether the exception was user-facing or not (eg. occurred in a cache cleanup background task)falseHelps understand possible bugs, helps understand the frequency with which users see certain classes of errors and helps plan and prioritise possible future features (eg. recovering from errors automatically or suggesting recovery actions to the user)

What data is not collected

As a rule, any personally-identifiable or potentially sensitive information is not collected, including:

  • personally-identifiable information, such as user names or email addresses
  • IP addresses (IP addresses may be captured in request logs, but IP addresses are not associated with uploaded data)
  • names of projects, containers, tasks or config variables
  • environment variable names or values, with the exception of TERM and SHELL
  • names of Docker images used
  • names of files
  • any part of task command lines
  • exception messages, as these cannot be guaranteed to contain only non-sensitive information
  • timezone information (all timestamps collected are normalised to UTC before upload)

How data is used

Data is used in accordance with the general principles above - to understand how Batect is used, to maintain Batect, to monitor its performance and reliability, and improve it.

How data is collected and stored

Data is collected as the application runs, and then uploaded to a secure, private GCP project dedicated to storing and processing this information.

All data is transferred over HTTPS, and encrypted at rest. A variety of controls are in place to ensure that raw data is not disclosed publicly.

Who has access to the data

Only the primary maintainer of Batect, Charles Korn has access to this data once it is uploaded.

Aggregated, anonymous information (eg. the total number of users that used Batect over a 7 day period) may be shared with others.

How to opt-out

When Batect starts for the first time, it prompts for permission to collect this information:

Batect can collect anonymous environment, usage and performance information.
This information does not include personal or sensitive information, and is used only to help improve Batect.
More information is available at, including details of what information is collected and a formal privacy policy.

Is it OK for Batect to collect this information? (Y/n)

To opt-out, respond with no.

To opt-out after this initial run, do any of the following:

If you wish to block telemetry data uploads at the network level, block access to Note that the IP address of this host name can change at any time, so it is best to block the host name, not the IP address. (Do not block access to, as that will block access to this site.)

How to request for your data to be deleted

Send a request to [email protected], and include your user ID from ~/.batect/telemetry/config.json. Your data will be deleted within 14 days.

Third-party services

The Batect project uses a number of third-party services such as GitHub for code hosting.

When you interact with these services, their respective privacy policy applies.

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